Stretch The Legs.

DAY 04

Welcome to Crusty's Chronicle, Episode One.

I have to admit that when Geoff asked me to contribute to the expedition blog I was a bit nervous about the prospect of writing something that would be posted publicly. But it here it goes…

Day Four and after a rough long night we have arrived at Lord Howe Island. The purpose of our stop being to get our autopilot working. With the help of our Australia based techy this was eventually achieved. It was a good reminder that more is achieved in life with teamwork, patience and perseverance.

To stretch our legs onshore we had the wonderful experience (it really was) of meeting Ernie and Sarg (a Springer Spaniel) for a biosecurity (rat) check. After a few years of a concerted pest eradication program, Lord Howe Island has been rid of mice and rats. Local wildlife is starting to flourish. Such an achievement! Talking with Ernie showed what passion and commitment can do to make real change for the better for our endangered wildlife. We are called to be good stewards of this rock we live on. And without being silly about it, we need to and can do a better job.

The same goes with our families. Being really honest, the first three days of this adventure have been tough emotionally. For someone who keeps that stuff private it's hard to admit. Jo and I have the most wonderful four adult kids. Not that I'm biased at all… But being away from them for 3 1/2 months or so is proving to be much harder than I thought it would be. Thank God for our Pivotel Starlink connection which lets me speak with them whenever I want. Having the time to reflect on this has made me realise the price they have paid while Dad was obsessed with expedition preparations. Don't get me wrong, they have been absolutely wonderful and supportive. As a Dad and husband, I just want to do better. I reckon we Dads need to remember we have a key role in shaping the generations to come. They need our time, wisdom and love.

On a lighter note, I'm looking forward to dinner and beers on the beach tonight with the team.

Until next time, Al.